How much will my solar system cost?
1.52kW = 8 x Suntech STP 190S modules + 1 x Aurora PVI 2000 inverter = $3995
1.9kW = 10 x Suntech STP 190S modules + 1 x Aurora PVI 2000 inverter = $5495
3.04kW = 16 x Suntech STP 190S modules + 1 x Aurora PVI 3000 inverter = $10995
4.56kW = 24 x Suntech STP 190S modules + 1 x Aurora PVI 5000 inverter = $16995
6.08kW = 32 x Suntech STP 190S modules + 1 x Aurora PVI 6000 inverter = $23995

All prices are inclusive of installation, please note that tile roofs and two story houses incur an additional $200 fee each. If you choose to fit a gross meter our installer charges an extra $300.

What are the extra costs I may be charged?
If upon inspection our electrician detects any faults in your electrical system we will notify and quote you for this work.

What happens when there is an electricity blackout?
In the case of an electricity blackout your solar system will be automatically shut off as your solar system does not store energy.

What is the NSW Gross Feed-in Tariff?
Under the current NSW Gross Feed-in Tariff scheme you will be paid 20 cents per kilowatt hour for all electricity produced by your solar energy system.

Who will fit my solar energy system?
Your solar system will be fitted by a Clean Energy Council certified electrician. Installers are sub-contracted by Zefer and are professional, local electricians. Standard installations are completed within four to eight hours.

Is my roof suitable for solar energy?
Solar panels like to face north on a roof with a gradient of between 20% and 30%. Other roofs are still suitable but may require tilt panels to ensure maximum solar access.

How long do I have before this offer ends?
Current pricing is for systems installed before 30 June 2011. After this date, your rebate will fall and prices will increase.

Do I have to stay with Country Energy?
Country Energy/Essential Energy provides retail electricity to most homes and businesses in northern New South Wales, you are free to switch electricity provider if you choose to do so.

What happens once I pay my deposit?
After you pay your deposit we will submit your Grid Connection application to Country Energy/Essential Energy. After you receive approval we will contact you schedule an installation date. After installation, we will submit your Certificate of Compliance and arrange for your Gross Meter to be activated if you have chosen this option. Once your Gross Meter is installed you will then be connected to the grid and able to earn money for the electricity your system generates. If you elect not to have a Gross Meter connected your electricity will only be used in your own home.